Friday, October 12, 2012

Developing a Community with the Help of Social Media

We so often think to use social media to help our brands but we don’t stop to really consider the impact of that decision. The social networking sites that we choose to utilize become pointless without the proper support from consumers. Just how do we fulfill the needs of our publics while benefitting our companies as well? Creating a sense of community has become the modern need for creating successful businesses.

At one point in time, the way to attract attention to our business was to simply advertise deals on products. Today this concept has transformed into a need of involvement with the most credible brands. Small business professional John Jantsch explains the impact of a successful community on the growth of businesses. Building community does not simply happen the moment that we decide to pursue our own business. He explains, “In a perfect world every small business would have a year to focus on the audience.” The ability to create trust and credibility within a community will take time to create. In order for an audience to support the content of a business, they must have a reason to. When people see a business’ take a genuine interest in their audiences, they are drawn towards the credibility and vision of that business.

The concept of a community involves understanding shared interests and when a business is able to create communication as to what those interests are, they can improve their own products to satisfy such interests. One does not have to spend a substantial amount of money to create a successful community. It simply requires sharing a unique point of view with an involved audience in order to gain their support.

Community Building

-Chelsea Olson

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's Stay Current! These companies are here to help.

Social media… what the heck is it? The first thing everyone thinks of immediately is Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. However, it is a much bigger beast than just these sites. With social media being the future in socializing, interacting and businesses marketing and advertising to their target audience, the return on investment stakes are much higher.

What does this mean? It means that companies, large and small have much more to lose when they are out of the social loop. Many online websites are now created to helping those interact, and interact well. By following the right people on Twitter, and reading trending articles, one can wind up learning more than they ever thought was possible or available.

In a recent Twitter session, I came across a trend title called “How Likeability Impacts Marketing Success.” It was here I found innovators to follow, one which lead me to a website based on social media and trending articles. Social Media Examiner, makes it clear that interaction is just step one. Throughout each page of his website he provides outside links and contact information, readily available with just a click of your mouse. However, this is not the first or only website out there, another trending company to follow and help with the understanding of social media is Mindgruve. While this blog is not to tell you who you have to follow, it is proving to not only be a trend but an entire industry based on expanding social media on all levels.

So now what? Well in my opinion, we all have to jump on! Let’s make it relative to us, college students. Our goal after graduation is to find and land a job in the “real world.” Yet in today’s economy, this is easier said than done. So to put our best foot forward, to stand out, and show that difference you must be being actively involved because social media is your best ally. However, remember the key word being “ACTIVE.” Find where you fit and what fits you, follow, tweet, post and ask for commentary, it is then and here that you will be noticed. And isn’t that what it’s all about? Being noticed, yes, yes it is!

Follow them!
Social Media Examiner: @smexaminer

Mindgruve: @mindgruve
Mindgruve Website

- Megan Bradt