Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Social Media Is Helping Japan

In the effects of the Tsunami in Japan,I feel social media could be an excellent tool to use in order to show people what is going on and what kind of crisis the country is dealing with. Many videos on YouTube and news sites show clips of the damage made in Japan and actually show the devastation happening. In today’s society almost everyone has some kind of video or photo capturing device and to be able to upload the pictures and video to social media sites such as YouTube or Facebook, allows people to show what exactly what is going on.

I feel that media outlets such as Twitter, allow people to feed quick information which can inform others on updates about loved ones people found and the status of the tragedy in Japan. With being able to have quick feedback from so many people, it is a perfect way to get news from eyewitnesses who are actually in the middle of the crisis. Google also set up what they are calling a “person finder” in response to the tragedy in Japan that allows people to track and record missing or found people so that others may look up a missing friend or relative. With this media sites being such valuable tools in the support for Japan, they really help boost the overall moral by trying to help come up with solutions in a time of need.

YouTube Video Of Tsunami Damage!

Published By: Mark Shaffer

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