Saturday, March 30, 2013

Marriage Debate Goes Viral

If you're part of social media, it is hard not to notice all the people changing their profile pictures to a red and pink image of an equals sign.

Facebook users all over have been showing their support for equal marriage rights since the beginning of the week as the hearings were taking place in Washington. Justices were hearing cases that regarded the marriage equality argument, specifically California's Proposition 8.

Why "="? Basically, it stands for equality--marriage equality. The Human Rights Campaign's logo is originally a blue and yellow "=" image, and because of the tension surround this issue recently, this red adaptation has gone absolutely viral. This is a testament to the power of social media and the Internet.

Social media users could say that marriage equality has been a "trending topic" and it has definitely sparked its fair share of Facebook statuses and Twitter posts. A lot of hate has surrounded it, though, with those who support traditional marriage values being branded haters and homophobes--which is really nothing new for them. But there's hate spitting from the anti-marriage equality side, too. It would probably be more beneficial to listen to one another instead of shouting slogans and firing insults.

In a world which is now online, it is important for everyone to realize the power of the Internet. Individuals have a way of speaking out and sharing their opinions with anyone who cares to read it. Flammable posts on social networks and controversial blog posts get comments because people are more empowered to raise their voice. Everyone wants to be heard and the Internet, in many ways, makes it possible.

The power of one image to travel to hundreds of thousands of Facebook users and for the debate to rage online even as it was being heard in the Supreme Court is incredible. We live in an age that makes instantaneous communication and rallying possible like never before. Let us use it wisely in our future.

posted by Diana Eales

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