Saturday, March 17, 2012

Celebrating 100 years of Oreo...With Social Media

Just because the 100 year birthday of Oreo has already passed this month, does not mean "Milk's Favorite Cookie" has stopped celebrating.

Kraft Foods is using Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and a variety of other social media platforms to keep the centennial party alive. Black and white cookie consumers from around the world are showing their brand love through tweets, Instagram pictures and YouTube videos.

The Oreo Birthday Party agenda includes sharing 1 million "Oreo moments," sending friends a customized Oreo/Lady Antebellum birthday video and the ability to take a break (from eating Oreos) and play in the Oreo arcade.

Of course, we cannot forget about the Limited Edition Birthday Cake Oreos available in stores now:

Can't be there to share an Oreo with your friend? Fear not, if your friend has a smart phone, you are able to send them an Oreo Gram, straight from the heart (or stomach).

Engagement is crucial in a social media movement. Oreo's birthday party is certainly taking stakeholder engagement to a new level with 25.4 million likes on Facebook, plenty of customer re-tweets and worldwide social media sharing.

We, as young, aspiring PR professionals applaud you, Oreo. The Oreo 100th Birthday is a snapshot of everything we have learned to do to implement a successful social media marketing strategy. Whether we are young or old, we still want to "Celebrate the Kid Inside," and not to mention, indulge in some Limited Edition Oreos (#yum).

By: Kristy Kurowski


Monday, March 12, 2012

Businesses have turned to Pinterest

In today’s society, businesses and organizations are thriving off of the explosion of social media into the marketing world. From a business such as American Express to a current political party, both are using social media platforms to their advantage and to stay ahead in ratings. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare or even Pinterest, businesses are developing promotions on all of these individual channels.
But how are these businesses going to successfully use their social media feedback to their advantage?

Businesses have turned to Pinterest aiming to create more online traffic and boost their consumer engagement. Since the demographic of this site is mostly dominated by women, this opens new channels for businesses to reach their target audiences, exhibiting their items or services that traditionally appeal to women and the rising male audience. 
Pinterest has created an innovative way for successful marketing avenues and consumer products to use a new social media platform when highlighting their brand.
Pinterest is still an invite-only site, but this has not stopped the soaring success of the social media network. This makes a great way to selectively market quality products to specific audiences. 

Businesses and brands can take advantage of this by creating innovative ways to use this marketing tool by creating contest, gaining new product approval and receive product interpretation, creating a brand presence and personality. 

The third Pinterest guideline under consideration of the “Pin Etiquette” states:

"Avoid Self Promotion- Pinterest is designed to curate and share things you love. If there is a photo or project you’re proud of, pin away! However, try not to use Pinterest purely as a tool for self-promotion."

This network allows users to create and name “virtual pinboards”, and post relevant photos on those boards. Pinterest allows users to easily integrate their social media network with others, while remaining focused on the idea of a person lifestyle. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Instagram Announces Android Version

By: Victoria Choeff

Nearly almost every iPhone user, company and clothing line has an Instagram account. For those of you who don't know what Instagram is, it's a new fast, fun and beautiful way to share your life with friends through photos. Snap a photo with your iPhone, choose a filter and transform the look and feel! Instagram has over 27 million downloads from the app store with strictly iPhone users. But recently this question has been asked with many Non-iphone users "Is Instagram only for iphone? Why doesn't my phone have it?"

Well Android users you are in luck! Co-Founder Kevin Systrom announced at SXSW Sunday that the "long awaited Android version of Instagram is nearly here." He showed the new version on stage without a demo leaving the crowd hanging. He said that the Android version is being currently tested in private and should be released very soon. Systrom also said that "in some ways, its better than our iSO app. Its crazy"  
People question him and asked why it took so long for Instagram to finally come to andriod. He responded saying "It didn't take long, we just had other priorities".
Instagram is one of my favorite app on my iPhone and it's such a great way to share what I do. I love following my favorite celebrities and even fashion designers! I have a lot of Android user friends and I am so excited for them to hop on the Instagram train. 
There is no specific date when it will be released for Android, just know that it will be coming very soon!