Yes, you’ve read right.
Finally two years after Pinterest’s original
debut in March 2010, a Pinterest analytics tool has reared its beautiful face.
It’s name? Pinerly.
For only opening in its beta stage two weeks ago, Pinerly already
has over 35,000 registered users urging them to "take control" of their Pinterest accounts. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.
The Pinterest analytics dashboard currently only offers basic measurement tools such as how well Pinerly-tracked pins are doing but plans to unveil more complex tools such as offering detailed information on pin performance and the ability to schedule pins in May 2012.
The Pinterest analytics dashboard currently only offers basic measurement tools such as how well Pinerly-tracked pins are doing but plans to unveil more complex tools such as offering detailed information on pin performance and the ability to schedule pins in May 2012.
While I’m
unfortunately still on the waiting list for an account, Mashable offers a quick
taste of what’s soon to come with a
registered Pinerly account:
1. Pinerly
Your Pinerly homepage gives you an overview of your account,
and quick click access to each of the service's tools. The site's design echoes
that of Pinterest, and is very easy to navigate.
2. Create a Campaign…
You use Pinerly to create “campaigns.” These are pins generated within Pinerly so
their stats can be tracked.
3. …From a Website
Similar to the Pinterst web interface, you can create
campaign pins from a web link.
4. …Or From a File
Or from a file uploaded from your computer.
5. Add Link and Description
Once you’ve selected
the content and chosen the correct image, you can add a link and a description.
Then you “Pinerly it” to send it to Pinterest.
6. Select a Board on Pinterest
Over on Pinterest, select a board as usual.
7. Save the Campaign
Then back on Pinerly, hit the finish button, which starts
the stat tracking.