Trends and fades can sometimes turn into global phenomenon’s and become the new hype. Look at social media, “MySpace” and “High5” two of many examples that started out as a trend and have evolved into world renowned phenomenon. Then there are some trends that slowly died out with time. Who remembers “Heelys”? They were the most popular sneaker type shoe around, they faded out and something else came along and well there went Heeleys.
In a similar fashion to social media, the “going green” and “environmentally friendly” epidemic went viral. From grocery shopping bags to light bulbs, communities, corporations and local businesses have all caught on. Now, college campuses across the Nation are making a collective effort to do their part and to gain sustainability within their campus. Flagler College, in St. Augustine, FL., has joined this initiative and has been working to make this change in campus lifestyle for three years now.
Feb. 11, 2012, Flagler College’s sustainability committees along with local business around town are going to hit home this year. They are making “Love Your Planet Day” a fun and interactive experience for all faculty, staff and students.
This article from the Examiner online, address how other college campus’
have conserved energy and water, and what they have done about it.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out what else Flagler College’s sustainability committee is working on, as well as a detailed timetable of the events for Love Your Planet Day.