Bullying. Cyberbullying.
What was your initial reaction to the terms?I thought of middle and high school children. Levels of immature behavior with no clue about the horrible side affects to the behavior. The media does a good job of covering the more alarming stories. Although, in my opinion they are all serious.
Cyber bullying has taken center stage. It gives users a false sense of power, a power to type things they don't have the guts to say face to face. They hide behind a monitor and type these harmful statements and gain ban wagoners to escalate the issue.
Sadly, society has conformed to almost accept bullying in all its forms and handle it at its worst.
What I think is worse, is when grown ups, adults stoop down to the middle and high school levels, and take prestigious world renowned NFL teams with them.
A fan based, unofficial Facebook page was created for the NFLs Chicago Bears. Kaitlyn Collens, former cheerleader for the NFL Green Bay Packers, came to find out her picture was the center of derogatory, rude and vulgar comments about her appearance and her fellow team. As a grown women, affiliated with NFL is a victim of Cyberbullying.
When Collins reached out to Facebook, to help do something about it, they claimed it doesn't meet their standards of Cyberbullying. How can standards be put in place when it comes a person of any ages, self-esteem, emotions and self- worth?
Striving to make a difference, Collins shared her story and personal YouTube video with host Savannah Guthrie on NBC Today Show,
All users of social networking, need to work together and learn how to use the internet correctly, use it for the good it can provide. I believe in respect and equality for all, how can we make a difference to put this epidemic to rest!
-Bianca Rufino
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