Friday, October 28, 2011

Trick or Tweet

While searching for Halloween costume DOs I stumbled upon a few social media DON’Ts deemed scary year round in an article on The Brainy Yard. The article lists 10 terrifying mistakes to avoid when networking on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Here are the top three that make me cringe.

  1. TMI

Too much information makes me think of too much costume makeup. One would assume that too much costume makeup is offensive in face to face conversation, Halloween being the only exception. Likewise, too much of the wrong information is offensive to your personal and professional followers who seek relevant and interesting content on your site.

  1. A quick trigger finger

How much thought have you put towards a Halloween costume this year? Now compare that to how much thought you put behind a status update before you click share. There are very few things more embarrassing than a failed Halloween costume. Don't let your news feed embarrass you. Think before you post.

  1. Untended social presence

    I won't be trick-or-treating at your house if the only decoration on your front porch is a bowl of candy with a note reading, “One piece only.” Just because you put out candy doesn't mean people will take it. Similarly, your followers won't be stopping on you site if you don't interact with them. Don't miss the opportunity to be the best site they visit.

In the spirit of all things spooky, here are a few social media inspired pumpkin carvings I found on Mashable.

Happy Halloween!

Written by: Christine Young

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such positive feedback! Stay tuned. This class blog has many more interesting posts to come!
