Thirteen year old Rebecca Black has been known for her YouTube music video "Friday". The video was produced by Ark Music Factory and went viral within 24 hours becoming known as the "worst video ever" with over 24 million views. Since it has been released, it has spread throughout Facebook by users posting it as a joke as well as through twitter, which now has a trending topic titled RebeccaBlack.
Black has received millions of negative comments and hate mail one which she mentioned in an interview on Good Morning America which read "You should cut yourself and become anorexic so you are actually pretty". Black replied that she just wanted the song to be catchy, and that it did all due to social media. It now stands on iTunes top 100 as number 43, which falls right above other pop sensations such as Justin Beiber. Now on YouTube, there have been spoofs, parodies, and remixes of the song as well as multiple interviews. This just shows how viral social media can be whether it be positive or negative feedback.
--Alexandra Jennings
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